How a hospitality manager at work benefits employees

Nov 28, 2023

Beyond competitive salaries and benefits, organizations are recognizing the value of creating a positive work environment that prioritizes employee well-being. One aspect that plays a significant role in fostering a positive work environment is hospitality at work. In this blog, we will explore how organizations can use hospitality to attract and retain top talent, how it benefits employees, introduce the term ‘hotelification’ and reveal actionable insights to inject hospitality into your workplace.

Using Hospitality to Create a Positive Workplace Environment

Creating a positive workplace environment is a vital aspect of hospitality at work. Companies that focus on hospitality transform their workplace into an inviting and engaging space, often referred to as "hotelification of workspace." Hospitality is a workplace trend that establishes a great first impression for employee, guest and visitor experiences. By offering personalized greeting and check-in services, customized amenities, and well-planned events, companies can create a center of collaboration, innovation and connection where employees are eager to come to work. And there’s a host of benefits that follow:

Enhanced Job Satisfaction

Hospitality at work contributes to enhanced job satisfaction among employees. When employees feel valued and supported, it creates a positive work culture. Tim Oldman, founder and CEO of Leesman says “Employees will treat offices differently because they are using them nomadically, booking in for a conscious stay. As such, they need to be beacons of warmth and hospitality to motivate them to come.” So, it makes sense that companies that prioritize hospitality will see a substantial increase in job satisfaction levels, leading to higher employee engagement and productivity.

Improved Work-Life Balance

One of the key components of hospitality at work is providing support to employees in achieving a healthy work-life balance. Employees who have access to work-life balance solutions are more likely to feel supported. When employees can effectively manage their personal and professional commitments, they experience reduced stress and are better able to focus on their work, while at work.

Stronger Employee Connection

Hospitality initiatives at work foster a sense of community and connection among employees, regardless of their location. When employees can collaborate, share ideas, and work together towards common goals they feel more connected – to the company and to each other. 360 Learning sums it up: “Collaboration increases empathy and creates respect for others’ contributions. It also helps employees feel confident and supported, which in turn boosts productivity.”

Personalized Experience

Hospitality at work focuses on creating a personalized experience for every employee. Tailoring services to meet the unique preferences of each employee ensures that they feel valued and appreciated. This level of personalization goes a long way in boosting employee morale and loyalty. When you’re getting something different than the status quo, something that required some thought and initiative, you feel special. And listen up: McKinsey states 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions, with 76% getting frustrated when this doesn’t happen.

Increased Productivity

When employees feel supported and valued, it naturally leads to increased productivity. Hospitality at work eliminates distractions, relieves stress, and saves time for employees. By providing employees with assistance in areas such as planning vacations, finding contractors, or arranging gifts, companies enable employees to focus on their core responsibilities and perform at their best.

Attraction and Retention of Top Talent

Attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any organization. By providing a hospitality manager at your workplace, companies distinguish themselves as employers of choice – they’ve prioritized employees’ needs and that does not go unnoticed. This positive reputation attracts top talent, and existing employees are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover costs.

Hospitality is not just for hotels and restaurants – “hotelification” has become a key ingredient in creating successful workplaces. From enhancing job satisfaction and improving work-life balance to fostering stronger employee connections and increasing productivity, companies that prioritize hospitality create a positive work environment where employees feel supported and valued. By investing in hospitality at work, companies can create a thriving business and a happier, more motivated workforce.


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