Enhancing the employee experience: a real-life story of fostering workplace community

Feb 26, 2024

(Note: the real individual and company names in this story have been changed to support our client’s confidentiality request. All other details, including services provided and individual quotes, are authentic.)

The Importance of Building Community to Enhance Employee Experience

Key Players in Enhancing Employee Experience at ABC Company

There are many people behind the scenes at ABC Company who work to ensure the on-site employee experience is memorable. One such dynamic duo we’ll call ‘Liam Jackson’, a Workplace Experience Manager, International Service System (ISS) Facility Services, and ‘Mia Chen’, Corporate Concierge from Circles US, are working diligently to create a seamless and meaningful experience for employees. Coordinating on-site events and experiences is no easy feat, but they take great pride in helping however they can.

Mia Chen: Corporate Concierge Enhancing Employee Experience

As a Workplace Experience Manager, Liam manages programs that contribute to the well-being of ABC employees. From overseeing the pantry program to coordinating exciting events like the monthly Lunch Program at ABC and Biscuits & Tea, Liam’s goal is clear — to make the employee journey at ABC memorable. Mia Chen is the solutions-oriented expert behind Circles’ employee support services at ABC, a benefit for employees that simplifies tasks and improves the lives of colleagues and teams inside and outside of the workplace. She focuses on a variety of projects, such as helping employees find dog groomers and planning travel itineraries to assisting in major life transitions like moving or coordinating workplace meetings.

“When we’re able to go above and beyond to deliver an experience that exceeds an employee’s expectations, it gives me an immense sense of fulfillment. I love knowing that we can be there for people during important moments, difficult times or simply to take day-to-day tasks off their plate.”  - Mia

Coordinating On-Site Events to Enhance Employee Experience

While they are on different teams, Mia and Liam partner closely to evolve the office experience at ABC. “Mia and I bounce off each other,” says Liam. “We have to juggle a lot of moving parts all at once.” While they can anticipate some annual events, like Black History Month celebrations, there is no such thing as a typical day. From handling their day-to-day projects to coordinating major events, every day is unique in the world of workplace experience. “Our jobs are a bit unpredictable. Every day, we have new challenges, but our variety of tasks makes our roles very dynamic,” said Mia. “The end of the year is particularly hectic. There are a lot of celebrations, and many people are traveling.” Liam adds, “Things definitely ramp up in the last quarter, and we won’t be slowing down!”

Event Coordination: Strategies to Enhance Employee Experience

But what goes into coordinating these experiences for ABC? Every occasion is a bit different. Sometimes Mia and Liam turn around an event within weeks, other times planning begins a month or two in advance. Mia coordinates with vendors to bring in catering, décor, and other event-specific items needed. “What’s important is that everyone has a valuable experience,” says Mia. “And we work with our ABC partners to bring events to life.”

Halloween Celebration

In collaboration with the Human Resources (HR) and Facilities teams, Liam and Mia plan gatherings at ABC including the Halloween celebration. “The turnout was tremendous. It felt like the whole building was buzzing and everyone was meeting up and having a good time,” Liam notes.

Monthly Lunch Program

In 2023, they also started coordinating the monthly lunch program in collaboration with a catering vendor, on the last Wednesday of each month and weekly Biscuits & Tea, a gathering designed to bring people together to take a break during the busy workday and even meet someone new.

“We’re still returning to the workplace after one of the most challenging times we faced as a community. When we’re able to bring people together, through the programs and services we offer, that’s very motivating.” - Liam

These events do more than celebrate holidays, milestones, or the mission of ABC; they foster a sense of community. Mia says, “My favorite thing about supporting events is seeing happy employees. They make you want to come into the office and get you excited about work.”


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